Employment Practices
Liability Insurance
Protect your business from the high cost of fighting allegations of wrongful termination, discrimination, workplace harassment, and retaliation.
What is Employment Practices Liability Insurance?
Defending your business from an unfair claim is costly. A business can be found innocent of a claim but still face significant costs in fighting the accusations. Even the best human resources practices and employee training can’t guarantee your business won’t have claims to pay or lawsuits to fight. Employment Practices Liability Insurance helps you prepare for the costly fight against wrongful termination, discrimination, workplace harassment, or retaliation claims.
Why You Need It

Claims Frequency
Hiring and firing is tricky and litigation in these areas is on the rise.

Business Security
Stay in control of your business future by preparing for the worst.
Who Needs It?
Hiring, training, promoting, developing, or terminating employees is tricky. Workplace claims are on the rise, and businesses are looking for a way to secure their future and the future of their employees. Most businesses that have employees are exposed to potential employment practices claims.